Ayşe Deniz Birdal

Band/Solistin, Stil: Zeitgenössische Musik, Klassische Musik, Experimentelle Musik, Improvisierte Musik

My aim with my music is to form an interdisciplinary artist identity, which includes playing the cello, composing, singing and poetry. I’m a cellist who composes and sings, and I often use my own works of poetry in my compositions. The style of my compositions can be described as genre-crossing. They include the elements of contemporary classical music, improvisation and Turkish folk music as well as experimental, spiritual and poetical elements. With the artistic identity which I’m working on to form, I aim to build a bridge between genres and cultures, to express my identity as a human being and a woman who migrated from Turkey through Europe to pursue an artistic career, and to narrate my experience through life and cultures.


PLZ-Gebiet: 6

Kontakt: Ayse Deniz Birdal, Frankfurt am Main
fon: 015775148247, email: moc.l1739554005iamg@1739554005ladri1739554005b.esy1739554005a.zin1739554005ed1739554005
