Klangwörter gesucht
In welchen Worten denkt ihr über Klänge nach? Ein Wörterbuchprojekt an der Goethe Universität sucht nach „Klangwörtern“ in allen Sprachen der Welt und sucht nach mitwirkenden Musiker*innen, Klangkünstler*innen etc. Hier der Aufruf:
dear sound artists all over the world! I am planning a dictionary, an almanac of ’sound words‘, that is: words related to sound – onomatopoetical, mythological, practical, etc., words of personal importance to you and your craft, words from your memory, related to sound, and – i wanted to ask mainly sound artists for whom English is not the first language, to contribute such a word or concept in their own mother-tongue (maybe even untranslatable) with a personal, explanatory, poetic entry – words that have the potential to maybe even change our perspective on listening-musicking-thinking … and if English words, then non-standard English, for example Welch, Gaelic, different dialects words.
for this, i wanted to ask you if you could ‚help me out‘, both by contributing, and by sharing this with your contacts in the world of international fellow sound artists … ideally, we would have every language on earth (and beyond? ) covered… if you are interested in contributing, i would welcome a first contact until, say, new year’s eve (dec 31, 2019). depending on how many contributors we can gather, the contributions will either consist of (short) essays, or dictionary-style entries. short proposals should be due by march 15, 2020, finished contributions by end of 2021, so that we can envision a publication in summer 2022. Please contact me at ed.tr1739553410ufkna1739553410rf-in1739553410u.me@1739553410htarn1739553410egozr1739553410eh1739553410 – thanx a lot for your help in this! Please spread WILDLY!!